
‘He never allowed me post us on social media’, lady laments after collapse of 7-month marriage

A lady has taken to social media to share a tale of woe after her 7-month marriage crashed.

Hazel Ajuwamiwe said her husband was not for one day proud of her as his wife and would always try to walk a far when they went out together.

She said he also discouraged her from posting their pictures on social media, and because she was also a private person, she obliged.

Read her full post:


“For some reason known only to Kelechi; he married me…but he never had plans to be my husband and he never regarded me as his wife.

One thing he insisted on was that we wouldn’t post our wedding pictures for ‘security reasons’…but that was just a ploy to keep living a double life. I will explain.

A few weeks after our wedding; an estranged Facebook lover of his confronted him about his wedding; he denied being married until she sent him the picture my dad had posted.

Not long after that too; he reconnected with another ex of his and even insulted me because of her. When I reminded him that he had taken vows before God and man to ‘forsake all others,’ he clearly told me; “The problem I have with you is that you think that I can be held down by any laws.”

As if that was not enough; he asked me out of the blue one night, “What do you think about me getting an ‘opportunity’ for a contract marriage abroad?” I was taken aback but I kept my cool as I asked him how I and the baby on the way would fit into that plan.

That conversation quickly deteriorated and ended up with him telling me how I got married and decided to just get pregnant when he had already told me to write IELTS and look for admission abroad. He told me without mincing words that he will ‘do anything’ including a contract marriage to make money for his family; I told him to count me out of that family.

While he kept at his shenanigans; I reminded him of this scripture. He clearly told me that he had not obtained any favor because he hadn’t made money. I asked him about everything else and he said that as long as he didn’t have money, he cannot see any favor.

I asked him how much money would be enough to make him believe he was favored and he had no answers.

These chain of events opened my eyes to the depth of this scripture; you have to first of all ‘find a wife’…and to find something or someone means to recognize it for what it truly is.

As long as you as a man do not recognize the woman by your side as ‘a wife’, don’t expect any favor from God.

And oh; did I mention that he falsified his signature on our marriage certificate??? He claimed to have forgotten his signature, but the day he decided to look for our marriage certificate, he told me, “I hope you know that without the sworn affidavit for the change in signature, that marriage certificate is null and void?”

I almost had a heart attack when he said that…so it’s no wonder he didn’t see any favor from God; he never recognized me as his wife and God actually doesn’t force anything on anyone.

This is still a portion of my story…pray for your spouse today as you fellowship and make sure that you regard them as your spouse.

Happy Sunday.”

This is one of the many pictures that never got posted because he wanted to maintain his single status on Facebook but claimed that it was for security reasons and he wanted us to maintain our privacy.

I am a very private person; so I believed him until I realized that we were not on the same page.

Besides marrying me for selfish reasons; he was ashamed of me…a whole spec like me 😩

He constantly told me how his exes looked and would randomly post their pictures and talk about their skin and how he wanted me to look better so when they see me, they’d know that he upgraded.

He ridiculed my dressing and wanted me to wear makeup for every outing; no matter how brief. In his words, ‘I don’t want you to give me any reason to look at another woman.’

He didn’t care that I was struggling with a new pregnancy. Even when I made effort; he will ‘forget’ to tell me that I looked beautiful.

One time; he came to the bank to meet me and we went to the supermarket to get groceries. Dude tried so hard to act like he didn’t know me and we were not together.

When I introduced him to the manager, he had a scowl on his face. I didn’t notice initially until I called him ‘baby’ and he ignored me. I called him ‘baby’ again and he scolded me…”see how you’re just saying baby baby.”

All the other places we went to, he stayed very far from me and was on the phone the whole time, I still haven’t found the words to describe how I felt that day.

I survived…

But the night he woke me up at 4am (I was more than 6 months pregnant) to cuss me out for telling my sister in law how he was treating me; he made sure to tell me how I was nothing and didn’t measure up to the women in his life.

He said, “do you know the kind of women I left to marry you, you this thing.” He went on to call me many more unprintable names and added my sister in law to the insults.

Then he said, “my mother warned me about marrying an Umuahia woman (at this point I want to state that his mother died when he was 16), but I didn’t listen. I have asked questions and they told me that Umuahia women are dominee.ring and e.vil.”

Umuahia people, come and collect your sub…because the ins.ults he gave Umuahia people is immense; yet he worships Nnamdi Kanu of IPOB who is from Umuahia and happens to be my second cousin.

The following night; I woke from sleep to hear him on the phone with someone and he was telling this person how he doesn’t know how he married me because nothing about it made sense. He claimed that I held him down with some form of supernatural whatever and now that his eyes have cleared I had become repulsive to him and he couldn’t stand the sight of me.

No wonder he had in a spate of ab.use told me, ‘you can go and burn more bay leaves to tie my legs.’ I burn bay leaves occasionally to get rid of mosquitoes and pesky fruit flies instead of using insecticide. And burning bay leaves relaxes my nerves and makes me sleep better, so I didn’t understand what he said until I overheard that phone conversation.

I was too numb to even cry…

He follows the likes of AllahKaduna who tell them that they’re alpha males and the prize…well, I was not in competition with anyone for anything so I removed myself from struggling for any prize biko.

He loves to insult women on social media but is always in women’s inboxes asking for money…I lost count of how many women kept sending him money for only God knows what; and when I complained, he would say that I’m just being insecure…he still won’t pay any bills or buy anything for me or the house.

The next time a random stranger told me I was beautiful; I was shocked to hear it. I had forgotten that I was beautiful because I was constantly belittled and demeaned by the one person who should have been praising me.

It has been one joy ride finding my way back to myself…and right now my voice is stronger than ever.

7 months of marriage that felt like 7 years of torture…

©️Hazel Ajuwamiwe-

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