
TV presenter Phillip Schofield admits affair with younger male ITV colleague, quits ITV

Former This Morning presenter, Phillip Schofield has admitted to having an affair with a younger ITV member of staff.

Phillip Schofield is popular to television viewers in Nigeria as the host of the British TV game show, The Cube.

Phillip has since been dropped by his talent agency YMU after the affair, which was not illegal.

He has also stepped down from ITV completely – meaning he will no longer host the British Soap Awards next week.

In a bombshell statement, Phillip admitted the affair but refused to name his former colleague, with whom he had a relationship.

ITV bosses are shocked by Phillip Schofield’s statement and admission of his affair, according to insiders at the channel.

Senior staff on This Morning told the Mirror they were “angry and stunned” at what had happened and how he had conducted himself. One source said: “He lied point blank to staff at every level.”

Phillip’s former talent agency YMU have also parted ways with the presenter on Thursday – with Phillip later sharing a statement to admit to the affair and apologise.

YMU Entertainment and Phillip released separate statements about ‘parting company’ with ‘immediate effect’.

“Honesty and integrity are core values for YMU’s whole business, defining everything we do. Talent management is a relationship based entirely on trust,” YMU stated.

“This week, we have learned important new information about our client Phillip Schofield. These facts contradicted what Phillip had previously told YMU, as well as the external advisors we had brought in to support him.

“As a result, on Thursday we agreed to part company with Phillip, with immediate effect.”

Phillip said: “It is with the most profound regret that after 35 years of being faultlessly managed by YMU I have agreed to step down from their representation with immediate effect.”

In a later statement, which Phillip shared with the press, he admitted to having an affair with a younger ITV employee.

He said: “I did have a consensual on-off relationship with a younger male colleague at This Morning. Contrary to speculation, whilst I met the man when he was a teenager and was asked to help him to get into television, it was only after he started to work on the show that it became more than just a friendship. That relationship was unwise, but not illegal. It is now over.”

In the lengthy statement, Phillip said he was “deeply sorry” to his lawyers for “misleading” them on a story, which was set to be published earlier this week about the affair.

He added how he had “not been truthful” about the relationship in “an effort to protect my ex-colleague”.

Phillip insisted his recent departure from This Morning was “unrelated” but had “fuelled speculation and raised questions”, which he says have been “impacting” his ex.

He added: “For his sake, it is important for me to be honest now”.

The former presenter, who had hosted This Morning from 2002, added how he was “painfully conscious” that he had “lied” to his employers at ITV as well as colleagues, friends, agents, the media, the public and “most importantly of all to my family”.

In the lengthy apology, he added: “I am so very, very sorry, as I am for having been unfaithful to my wife.”

Phillip then announced his decision to step down from hosting the British Soap Awards, which he was due to front next week and resigned from ITV “with immediate effect”.

He then expressed his “immense gratitude” to ITV for “all the amazing opportunities that they have given me”.

The former TV presenter added: “I will reflect on my very bad judgement in both participating in the relationship and then lying about it.”

He added: “To protect his privacy, I am not naming this individual and my deepest wish is that both he and his family can now move on with their lives free from further intrusion, and that this statement will enable them to do so. I ask the media now to respect their privacy. They have done nothing wrong, and I ask that their privacy should be respected.”

ITV have since accepted his resignation with immediate affect, and added how they were “deeply disappointed” by the host’s “deceit”.

An ITV spokesperson said: “We are deeply disappointed by the admissions of deceit made tonight by Phillip Schofield.

“The relationships we have with those we work with are based on trust. Phillip made assurances to us which he now acknowledges were untrue and we feel badly let down.

“We accept his resignation from ITV and therefore can confirm that he will not be appearing on ITV as had previously been stated.”

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