
Manager captured forcing female job seeker to perform lewd act on him

A man in a position of authority in a corporate environment is currently trending on Twitter for allegedly forcing a female job seeker to perform oral sex on him to secure the job.

The trending picture of the man and the female applicant has generated a lot of reactions on Twitter.

It was reported that a spy camera was set up to catch the man who is said to be notorious for taking advantage of women in his office.

The grainy picture captured the man’s face, but not the face of the ‘victim’ who was backing the camera.

Some of the comments trailing the picture:

@Chief Priest – “This is just the height of African office managers.”

@Ruthmax 341 – “It won’t last. Ladies should understand that sex brings some other emotions that can lead to either hatred or love and awkward situations. The guy will be looking for the day she will mess up amtoe mbio. There is no position at work place that sex can hold. Refuse to be used.”

@Artdafina – “Whenever you settle for less than you deserve, you’ll end up getting less than what you settled for.”

@Iamjosephyna – “This is what you get when you go for an interview showing how desperate you are in need of the job instead of showing the company you are a great asset to the company.”

@Essybea – This is one of the reasons when a hardworking lady makes money without sleeping with the boss People find it hard to believe because majority of women do this to retain their position or get a job… But men must u make her do this before giving her the job

@MarthaAhumuza – Reading the comments and I’m wondering how y’all have gas for the woman not the man abusing his position of power. It’s the same dynamics with lecturers and students There is no context in which you can justify this

@K9Edition – Reasons why I doubt God sometimes…. people working, doing everything possible to live a good life but later nothing comes up ….all the hard work and smartwork goes to the trushcan.

See the trending picture below.

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