
False rape allegation saga: Man responds with his own receipts

Richard Ebuka Osita has reacted after the woman he said threatened to accuse him of rape shared her side of the story.

Recall that Richard came online days ago to accuse a woman named Bella of a number of things including theft and false rape accusation.

He said she threatened to accuse him of rape because he turned down her advances and he shared videos of her apologising for the threat.

Bella responded by sharing screenshots of their chat and claimed he was the one pressuring her to visit which was why she told him ‘’it’s like you want to rape me.”

She said he then began calling her out online for making such statement and said he will only take down his call out posts if she records a video to apologise to him.

After she recorded the videos, he didn’t take down the initial post, instead he also shared the apology videos as proof that she threatened to accuse him of rape.

Bella also shared screensshots where he threatened to pay blogs if she doesn’t do an apology video, which is why she did the video.

But, reacting, Richard said he only told her he planned to pay blogs just to make her present herself at the police station.

As for the rape threat he accused her of, Richard said he doesn’t have evidence because she made the threat verbally, not via text.

He also said he was joking when he told her to make her wig tight when she comes visiting because he would pull it.

He insisted that she was the one begging to visit but he kept turning her down.

Richard also had a message for Bella’s supporter, actress Uche Ogbodo.

Richard has now archived all his personal posts on Instagram.

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