
Polytechnic institutes probe after graduating student openly credits her private parts with her success (Video)

The social media was set on fire over the weekend when a student openly credited her success to God and her private parts in a self-recorded video.

The student claimed in the video to have just defended her project at the Federal Polytechnic Nekede, Owerri, Imo State.

She took to her social media page to express her gratitude to God and also her lady parts for enabling her to graduate.

The pretty student took a video of herself walking outside a busy school building with other students visible in the background of the camera frame.

She said: “Omo, today is the final day. Nekede bye bye. Nekede stress, it ends today. I am now a graduate of Federal Polytechnic, Nekede. It can only be God. It can only be God, and my pussy oh!”

According to the News Agency of Nigeria, the authorities of Federal Polytechnic Nekede, Owerri, Imo State have now initiated moves to unravel the identity of the graduating female.

Eucharia Anuna, the Polytechnic’s Registrar, condemned the statement of the graduating student and noted that it was blasphemous and antithetical that the student peddled the name of the Almighty in her “deleterious act”.

“Management considers the action of the student as most unacceptable and preposterous.

“The Federal Polytechnic Nekede prides itself as an institution with high academic and moral standards.

“Both staff and students are quite aware of the consequences of any misconduct.

“In an unprecedented move, management through the various disciplinary committees, had released hotlines through which students can report any act of exploitation or corruption,” the registrar said.

Anuna said the committees were diligent in ensuring that any staff or student found culpable was meted with appropriate punishment.

She added that the despicable post of the supposed student does not, therefore, represent the standard of our institution.

“The rector of the institution, being a clergyman, has been very committed and consistent in instilling discipline in our students through seminars, solemn assemblies, sensitisation outreaches and publications.

“When our investigations are over, we shall make our findings and pronouncements public.

“It is in our purview to ensure that only students found worthy in learning and character are certified.

“This is a commitment to which we shall remain consistently resolute,” the Registrar added.

Watch the video here.

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