
Lady receives knocks for sharing bedroom video of herself with sugar daddy (Video)

Online opinion tide is against a young lady who shared a lovey-dovey video of herself with her sugar daddy who looked old enough to be her grandfather.

The clip shows the man lying topless on a bed with the young lady leaning against him while they appear to be sharing a joke.

The lady is in a negligee and is making faces at the camera as they continue to gist and laugh.

The clip appeared to have been recorded in South Africa, as a few of the commenters wrote in Afrikaans.

Online reactions are largely negative as many people allege that the young lady looks underaged and should not be in that sort of relationship to begin with.

A few pointed out they could actually be daughter and father, while some countered that even that would be wrong considering that the girl is too young to be allowed to have a social media handle to be posting content.

Joewi wrote: “Women are the bravest specie on this planet don’t let anyone tell you it’s a bear or a lion”

Lebonko wrote: “It’s no surprise that young girls go for old men with money. When you look at what music we listen to we are encouraged to go for guys with money and that being the only thing that matters. I wish we could be encouraged in securing the bag before securing the man with the bag.”

Jessica wrote: “The problem is not the iPhone, the problem is the pervert behind her, such an old man all sexual with a child that’s young enough to be his daughter, sies maan! Nawe doti we ntombazane, imagine if your dad came across this video, sies maan

Josh wrote: “The problem is not only IPhone. After that old man will finish her, on her 40s she will be busy looking for serious and stable man 4 rltshp. Saying that she doesn’t have time to play. Worst case she will end in those fake pastors and prophets chowing her hoping for marriage.”

Eseoogeo wrote: Tbh he’s treating her with a lot of care from what I’m seeing here o. Imagine if she’s 20 and y’all are calling her a “small child”. Let them enjoy themselves”

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