
Beautiful couple shot dead a week to their wedding

An intending couple, Mba Ifeoma Gloria and Eremezie Tochukwu Martin, have been shot dead by yet-to-be-identified gunmen at Arondizuogu in the Ideato North Local Government Area of Imo State.

The formal wedding of the deceased couple was to hold on January 18, 2023.

Residents of the community say the intending couple was taking a ride in the groom’s brother’s tricycle when they were attacked by the gunmen who killed all three of them on Wednesday, January 11.

Troubled by the incessant killings and kidnappings in their community, members of the community came out en mass on Wednesday to laid curses on the assailants perpetrating the crime.

They also claim that the assailants have invaded their community and specialize in stealing flashy cars and killing their owners.

Meanwhile, some people who know the man claims he dumped his ex-girlfriend who took care of him while he was in school.

They are suggesting that the police should call her in for questionining.

The state police command has launched investigations into the gruesome murder of the intended couple.

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