
Dogs strip, bite crying intruder who jumped into Nigerian homeowner

A video clip has shown the moment a suspected thief jumped into the waiting hands of the ferocious dogs of a Nigerian home-owner.

The homeowner rushed out to find his two dogs attacking the suspected thief, whose trousers have been dragged to his ankles by the dogs.

One of the dogs continues to tug at the trousers while the other dog is biting the hand of the intruder.

The homeowner can be heard commanding the dogs to leave the intruder alone, but they are not obeying.

“Crusher, leave him alone!” he barks repeatedly, but the dogs continue to maul the intruder.

When they leave him momentarily, they return to attack him.

The man can also be heard asking the intruder how he got into the compound.

The intruder, in tears, beg the homeowner to help him.

Watch the video here.

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