
Man who settled stranger’s debt wants his money back when he realized he’s APC member

A funny clip of two men fighting over N100 is currently trending on social media.

The clip shows a man in his 60’s tugging the shirt of a younger man, who is seated on a chair at a joint.

The man can be heard complaining that he came out of his house to find the younger man being attacked by an Akara seller over N100 worth of akara he consumed without paying.

He said upon interrogation, the man being attacked by the akara seller said he was hungry and had no money, so he asked for the akara without having any idea how he would pay.

The man said out of pity, he settled the N100 bill to free the man.

He said the two of them now came to a joint and were gisting about politics and the debtor said he was APC.

He said that angered him and he asked him why could he be proud to say he was APC when his party was ruling and he had no N100 to buy common ‘akara’ to eat. He then demanded his N100 back.

He said he was not playing and must collect his money back.

Men at the joint can be seen trying to calm the man down.

Watch the video here. 

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