
Three condoms recovered from male student caught in girls’ secondary school

An 18-year-old male student has been arrested after he sneaked into a neighbouring girls’ secondary school, armed with three condoms.

The suspect was arrested by the operatives of Kenya’s Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI).

The student, a student of Gatugi Day secondary school in Nyeri county, was disguised as a woman and fooled the guards at the entrance to his girlfriend’s dormitory.

He was reportedly dressed in a female uniform and joined a group of girls as they headed to their dormitories.

However, after finding it difficult to locate his girlfriend, he asked a random female student about the whereabouts of his supposed girlfriend.

The girl found the voice strange and took a closer look only to find out it was a man in a female uniform.

The DCI said in a statement:

“A mission by a teenage young man to meet his girlfriend at a secondary school in Nyeri county last night was nipped in the bud after the 18-year-old was unmasked by other girls who raised alarm. Frantic efforts by the restless young man to trace his girlfriend from a crowd of girls walking to their dormitory bore no fruits.

“The girl became suspicious since the voice sounded unfamiliar and husky, prompting her to have a closer look at the person making the inquiry, only for her to realize that the fool with a broad chest and hairy chin was a man dressed in their school uniform.

“She immediately started screaming prompting a cacophony of screams from the other girls, as they fled to different directions in bewilderment, almost causing a stampede.”

Following the commotion at the school, the school’s guard rushed toward the dormitories and apprehended the suspect as he attempted to escape.

The school’s principal alerted law enforcement officers who rushed to the scene and arrested him.

When questioned, he told officers that he had been invited over by his girlfriend for unspecified business. Three condoms, a mobile phone and a lighter were recovered from him.

The statement added: “However, three condoms, a mobile phone and a lighter were recovered from the student who had stuffed his chest with pieces of clothing, to create a false impression of a female bosom. He was whisked to Othaya police station where he is being processed for the offence of preparation to commit a felony.”


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