
Nigerian students are now safe, NIDCOM boss reacts to violence in Indian University

Abike Dabiri

The chairman of the Nigerians in Diaspora Commission NIDCOM, Abike Dabiri-Erewa, says calm has been restored to the campus where Nigerian students were attacked in India last Friday, October 14.

The lives of about 60 Nigerian students were threatened at GD Goenka University in Gurugam, India after they were allegedly thrashed and abused by their Indian counterparts on the football field and in their hostel.

Reacting to the incident via her Twitter handle, Ms. Dabiri-Erewa, said the incident had been brought under control and that calm had since been restored.

She stated that the Nigerian Commission in India had notified the Indian authorities and made it clear to them that they would be held responsible if anything happened to any Nigerian student.

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