
“Freedom is priceless” – Ice Prince says after release from Ikoyi prison

Nigerian musician, Panshak Zamani, better known as Ice Prince, spoke after spending six days in Ikoyi prison.

Recall that the rapper had a brush with the law on September 2 when he allegedly assaulted a policeman while returning late from a club in Lagos.

He was arraigned and remanded in Ikoyi Prison. He was later granted bail in the sum of N500,000, in addition to providing “two responsible sureties.”

He perfected his bail about a week ago.

On Thursday night, September 15, he took to Instagram to tweet:

“Freedom is priceless.”

The ‘Oleku’ crooner will return to the court later to clear himself from n a three-count charge bordering on assault, obstructing a policeman from carrying out his statutory duties, and abduction.

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