
Insecurity: FG may allow students access to dumbphones

The spiralling insecurity in the country is forcing the Federal Government to consider allowing students of primary and secondary schools to hold dumbphones to allow them alert authorities during attacks.

This policy is being proposed for areas most affected by terrorism and banditry.

The Punch reported that this is contained in a document by the Federal Ministry of Education titled, ‘Security of our schools – New policy on telephone’.

The document partly reads, “Government is considering allowing students in vulnerable schools to have access to non-smartphones for purposes of providing a veritable communication network between students, teachers, parents, security agents and other relevant stakeholders.

“We believe this will sufficiently deter criminals as they can be easily hunted down, sometimes even before they strike.

“We have also put in place a comprehensive emergency preparedness and response mechanism to deal with emerging security threats in our schools.”

Listing some  security measures that can be taken, the policy document states:

“School disaster management (is) to be established under the purview of the vice-principal (admin); principals should carry out periodic security checks around their schools; schools are to cooperate with security agencies in their localities; and community vigilante groups should be empowered and encouraged.”

Current education policy does not allow students of primary and secondary schools to hold telephones of any sort owing majorly to the distraction that phones can constitute to learning.

However, the security situation of the country is forcing the hands of government to modify this policy.

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