
Moment Tunisian forces beat black Africans trapped at airport (Video)

A video clip has emerged showing the moment Tunisian security officials descended on black Africans waiting to board a flight at the Tunisian international airport.

Owing to a paucity of flights, the authorities are said to be giving preferential treatment to Europeans and non-black Africans at the expense of the black Africans who also held valid tickets.

Tunisair has cancelled flights and reportedly does not have enough aircrafts fit for flying, according to Jeune Afrique.

Following multiple flights being cancelled, passengers were left trapped for days in Tunis-Carthage airport without hotels or temporary visas.

Their ordeal got worse when Tunisian security forces turned on them with batons for reportedly assaulting the police.

A now-viral video shows the brutal treatment meted out to the passengers by baton-wielding police. In the clip, a black African was savagely attacked with batons and thrown to the floor, before being handcuffed.

Tunisia’s Mosaique FM news website reported that eight passengers, accused of assaulting security guards at Tunis Carthage International Airport, were arrested.

Watch the brutal video on our Telegram channel.


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