
Officers captured beating driver, struggling for car control are VIOs – Delta police command PRO, announces

They have been detained

The Delta State police command spokesman, DSP Bright Edafe, has announced that the security officers seen in a viral video beating a driver and struggling with him for the control of the vehicle which was in motion, are Vehicle Inspection Officers (VIOs).

The video clip trended on Thursday showing passengers screaming in terror as some officers struggled with the driver for the control of the vehicle that was in motion.

Reacting to the video on Twitter, Edafe said the officers are Vehicle Inspection Officers and not police officers as widely presumed. He wrote:

”Investigations (have) revealed that the incident happened in Delta State and (was) perpetrated by VIO Operatives in Patani and not Police officers as it’s being wrongly portrayed, they have been identified and detained. witness(s) should DM me ASAP”

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