
Kidnappers release Kano village head, abduct varsity professor delivering ransom

Kidnappers have freed the abducted village head of Karfi in Takai Local Government of Kano State, Abdulyahyah Ilo and abducted Dr. Huzaifa Karfi, a varsity lecturer sent to deliver the ransom for the village head.

Dr. Karfi, an associate professor at Kano State University of Science and Technology (KSTU), Wudil, had gone to deliver the ransom to secure the release of the village head.

It would be recalled that gunmen invaded the village on three motorcycles from Bauchi State through Ringim forest in Jigawa, abducted the Sarkin Karfi and killed six persons that attempted to rescue him.

A resident of the area, Musa Sa’ad, confirmed the release of the village head by his abductors to Daily Trust.

He revealed that local hunters and vigilantes had arrested one suspected kidnapper in the bush in connection with the abduction and killing at Karfi village.

“They successfully collected the ransom and held Dr Huzaifa in connection to their man that was captured by the vigilante group. They demanded the release of their man as a condition to release him,” Sa’ad said.

A brother to the traditional ruler, Yusuf Ismail, also confirmed that he had been released and was receiving treatment at a hospital.

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