
Nigerian soldier commits suicide after he was arrested for conniving with Boko Haram fighters who attacked Yobe communities

A Nigerian soldier who was arrested for allegedly working with Boko Haram terrorists has committed suicide.

Lance Corporal Jibrin was in the Intelligence Corps before he became a weapons instructor with Army Battalion in Geidam, Yobe state.

According to DailyTrust, he took his life after he was arrested for allegedly conniving with Boko Haram insurgents who attacked Yobe communities recently.

It was gathered that Jibrin, who disappeared from his duty post a few days ago was sighted among the Boko Haram terrorists that attacked Geidam town last week.

Military sources said the soldier was tracked by an army intelligence unit and was found in Gashua, some hundreds of kilometres from his supposed duty post, on Tuesday, April 26.

“The Army authorities in Gashua were intimated and Jibrin was nabbed at a checkpoint after he boarded a bus to Gombe and disguised himself as a civilian,” the source told the publication.

“He was handcuffed and on interrogation, he revealed a lot which led to the arrest of some of his collaborators. On transit to Geidam, he snatched a gun from one of his escorts, overpowered the other and shot himself dead.” the source added

Many of his cohorts are believed to still be among the troops in both Gombe and Geidam Battalions.

Army spokesman, headquarters of sector II operation Hadinkai  Damaturu, Lt Kennedy Anyewau, confirmed the incident.

“Yes we received a report about a soldier who committed suicide yesterday evening, and a full investigation is ongoing to unravel the circumstances that led to the incident. That is all I can disclose about the matter for now.”

An officer who pleaded anonymity gave more details about the incident.

“It is true that Jibrin was arrested and he later killed himself, he was very skilful soldier, he was part of us and upon realising that his moves became suspicious he disappeared,” the officer said.

“No wonder the last Boko Haram operation in Geidam shocked all of us because we had prepared for them but they took us unaware by using a new strategy different from what they are known for, they sneaked into the town silently without a vehicle, and no sound of gunshot was heard

“We suspected that they must have informants from within and after a beam light was set out the question mark falls on Jibrin,” the source added.

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