
Gombe NYSC confirms evicting skirt-wearing corps member

The National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) in Gombe State has confirmed that a female corps member was evicted from the orientation camp in Amada, for refusing to wear khaki trousers.

The state NYSC Coordinator, Ada Imoni, in a statement on Friday, March 25, said the corps member “blatantly refused to wear the khaki trousers and chose to wear a khaki skirt instead.

She was made to face the camp court, found guilty and subsequently decamped in accordance (with) the provisions of the NYSC Bye-laws”.

Read the full statement below:

“Our attention has been drawn to pictures and videos of a corps member wearing a skirt, trending on social media, said to be decamped from NYSC Orientation Camp Amada, Gombe State.

Every Corps member is issued kit items which include; Shorts, belt, khaki Jacket, khaki trousers, Jungle boots, tennis shoes, crested vest and white T-shirt, and is expected to wear such kit items throughout the duration of the service year. It is therefore an offence to deface the Uniform to any form other than the one issued by Management.

The National Youth Service Corps Bye-laws reprinted in the year 2000 Schedule 2, section 1 sub-section (I) says ” Failure to wear the uniform provided for any particular activity

PENALTY: The Corps member should be informed to go and wear the uniform, failing which he will be decamped.

We wish to place on record that the said Corps member blatantly refused to wear the khaki trousers and chose to wear a khaki skirt instead (A case of defacing and refusal to wear our uniform) She was made to face the camp court, found guilty and subsequently decamped in accordance (with) the provisions of the NYSC Bye-laws.

The NYSC Secretariat Gombe has compiled and forwarded a report on the Corps member and awaits further directives from our National Directorate Headquarters.”

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