
NDLEA appoints MC Oluomo Ambassador For War Against Drug Abuse

The Lagos Command of the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA) has made the State Chairman of the National Union of Road Transport Workers (NURTW), Alhaji Musiliu Akinsanya a.k.a MC Oluomo an Ambassador of War Against Drug Abuse in the State (WADA).

The Lagos State Commander of NDLEA, Calys Alumona, led other officials of the agency to MC Oluomo’s office to formally confer the honour on him.

The team used the opportunity to enlighten the union members of the negative effects of hard drugs on human beings.

Alumona said he was surprised to learn that Oluomo neither drinks nor smoke. He lauded him for not indulging in substance abuse.

The NDLEA chief urged the union members to emulate their chairman by being decent and not taking harmful substances.

Mc-Oluomo in his reply appreciated the team and the NDLEA leadership for their good job towards reducing the usage of harmful substances in Nigeria.

He said people around him can testify that he does not smoke or drink. He said he does not encourage anyone smoking to come close to him because he gets irritated with the smell.

He promised the NDLEA team of his continued efforts towards ensuring the eradication or drastic reduction in the use of drugs amongst his members.

The highlight of the visit was the presentation of the Ambassadorial plague to the union chairman by the NDLEA Lagos State Commander.

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