
No Bra, No Pant, No entry – Delta poly declares war against indecent dressing

The management of Delta State Polytechnic, Ogwashi-Uku, has declared a war against indecent dressing on its campus, warning that “No bra, no entry, no pants, no entry.”

At the campus gate on Thursday, February 24, students particularly females who were found not to wear pants or bras were turned back by security officers.

The school’s Manfred Oyibogbeye, while confirming this new development, said the school authority frowns seriously at indecent dressing which had become rampant within the school premises.

He stated that recently, the Registrar of the school had a meeting with staff where he warned that indecent dressing will not be tolerated by either any staff or student of the institution.

He added that sanctions would soon be introduced for any students who defaults.

A video of some students barred from entering the institution has been shared online.

In the video clip, a female student was heard complaining:

If you wear rugged jeans, you will not enter. If you are not wearing bra, you will not enter. If you are not wearing pants, you will not enter. This school has turned to secondary school oo!”

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