
Canadian police shoot black man defending himself against a dog 5 times, leave him, rush dog to hospital

A black family in Canada has called out the Calgary police for racism and rating the life of a dog higher than that of a black person after they shot their bread-winner and left him bleeding while they rush to care for a dog.

The daughter of the deceased took to Twitter to narrate how her dad was shot by Calgary police officers and then left to bleed to death for eight hours, while they rushed their dog which the deceased was trying to fend off to a vet for treatment.

Giving an account of how the events unfolded, the daughter, tweeting with @BlushJar, said her father was a child soldier in Sudan during the country’s war before relocating to Canada and settling there.

She said the man had been dealing with Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), which made him behave irrationally for brief spells, before regaining his composure.

During his last episode, someone apparently saw him in front of his apartment and called the police.

The Calgary police team arrived with a trained dog, which was released on the deceased. The deceased was said to have got hold of a stick to defend himself against the attacking dog, at which point the police officers reportedly drew their weapons and shot him five times.

@BlushJar said the police officer called for an ambulance for their dog while ignoring the man they shot.

She claimed the body of the man was left for eight hours before it was removed.

Her story has generated a lot of debate online as the black community believe the incident underscores the undercurrent of racism they have been going through in Canada.

Many were appalled that the life of a dog was more appreciated by the  police than the life of a human being, a father and a breadwinner of his family.

Interestingly, many tweeps were justifying the action of the police, arguing that a huge investment had been made from tax-payers’ money on each of the dogs in the K9 unit and therefore needed to be protected.

However, the majority of commenters were alarmed by the conduct of the policemen.

One person with the handle, @Kelokemamii tweeted;

They shot a black man 5 times as he attempted to defend himself against a killer dog. the ambulance arrived to the scene, took the dog to the hospital & left his body laying there 8hrs. these officers were called to deescalate his PTSD episode. they killed him.


“This happened in Calgary. right here in Canada. a family lost their provider, a beautiful spirit, a father… a person, a human being. everybody, from the officers to the emergency responders, should be jailed. they murdered a black man & put a dog’s life above his. A DOG.”

Read the full accounts below.



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