
Edo Police Command arrests 2 suspects over Okomu Oil invasion

Recovers rubber lumps allegedly stolen

The suspects

The Edo State Police Command has arrested two persons: Lucky Clark, 52, and Destiny Tibhor, 22, who were allegedly involved in the theft of rubber lumps belonging to Okomu Oil Palm PLC  in Ovia South-West Local Government Area, of the state.

Parading the suspects  in Gelegele, Ovia North East LGA, the Edo Police Public Relations Officer (PPRO), Bello Katongs, said:

“The Edo State Police Commissioner, Mr. Philip Ogbadu in an attempt to unravel those behind the attack on the facilities and personnel of  Okomu Oil Palm PLC launched a manhunt, and on 15th February, the Marine Police component, under SP Courage Ogonmwan, while on patrol, intercepted the suspects at Okomu Water Ways.

“They were arrested with Cup lumps of rubber that were stolen from Okomu plantation. The two suspects during interrogation have confessed their involvement. The police after the attack on the facilities of the company did not sit back to watch.

“Further investigation will determine whether they were among those involved in the attack on Okomu Oil Palm plantation or otherwise,” he said.

Speaking, one of the suspects, Destiny Tabhor, said he was hired by Lucky Clark to transport the lumps from Okomu Ijaw to Sapele before they were arrested.

“I was seating at home when he (Lucky)came to call me to help him carry rubber from Okomu Ijaw to Sapele, so we were on the way when police arrested us and brought us here”, he stated.

It would be recalled that two workers of Okomu Oil Palm Plc,  in Ovia Southwest Local Government Area of Edo State were on February 2, 2022 killed by some gunmen.

The gunmen were said to have invaded the palm plantation, where about seven workers weeding around the premises of the company, were shot and two died on the spot.

Lumps of rubber recovered from the suspects.

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