
Deadline for SIM-NIN integration elapses tomorrow

The deadline for the compulsory integration of the National Identification Number (NIN) with Subscriber Identification Module (SIM) by telecommunications users in Nigeria lapses tomorrow, December 31, 2021.

The Federal Government had come up with the compulsory NIN-SIM integration to check the use of telecom services for criminal acts and to check insecurity across the county.

The deadline has been shifted a dozen times to enable more people to comply. However, tomorrow’s deadline has not been shifted, which means that subscribers who are yet to comply may be disconnected in the New Year.

The National Identity Management Commission (NIMC) in October disclosed that 140 million Nigerians were yet to get NINs, with only 64.4 million unique identity numbers issued as at then.

The figure rose to 70 million in December after some 5.6 million unique NINs were issued.

In essence, about 134.4 million Nigerians are still without NIN.

It remains to be seen if there will be yet another extension of the deadline.

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