
‘We need to sleep with many women and use their fluids for money rituals’- Yahoo boys confess (Video)

Two suspected yahoo boys/ ritualists have confessed that they used secretions from the women they sleep with for money-making rituals.

The men were apprehended by the residents of a community in Imo State.

According to the two suspects identified as Ebuka and Chinonso, they need to sleep with as many women as possible and collect the secretions from their private parts after intercourse to complete their money-making rituals.

In their words: “The native doctor who prepared the charm told us to use a handkerchief or a piece of towel to collect the bodily fluid from the private part of every lady we made love to. He instructed us to put the handkerchief with the semen or towel in the pot and burn it after each time we collect it. He told us that the number of females we sleep with and collect their fluid will determine the value of the money we will get.”

The two suspects declined to give the details of the native doctor.

“We were seriously warned not to disclose it to anybody, that if we do that, we will die’’.

The two suspected ritualists were later handed over to the police.”

The suspects spoke Igbo. Watch the video below:

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