
Facebook changes parent company name to ‘Meta’

Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram remain unchanged

Facebook founder, Mark Zuckerberg has announced that the parent company’s name is being changed to “Meta” in consonance with it plan for the future.

The company is repositioning for the realization of its ambitions for the “metaverse” virtual reality version of the internet that the company promoters believe is the future.

Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp will keep their names under the rebranding.

Zuckerberg said at the annual developers conference: “We’ve learned a lot from struggling with social issues and living under closed platforms, and now it is time to take everything that we’ve learned and help build the next chapter.

“I am proud to announce that starting today, our company is now Meta. Our mission remains the same, still about bringing people together, our apps and their brands, they’re not changing,” he added.

There have been accusations that the plan is just a measure to take attention away from its recent scandals.

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