
UN, AU, ECOWAS, Turkey, US condemn military coup in Guinea

Guinea President, Alpha Conde

There is widespread condemnation of the Sunday ousting of the democratically-elected president of Guinea, Alpha Conde across the world.

A group of soldiers staged an uprising in Guinea’s capital and announced a nationwide curfew “until further notice”. They also announced the replacement of regional governors by the military.

They promised to convene President Conde’s cabinet ministers and other top officials at 11:00 GMT on Monday in Conakry.

They vowed to restore democracy in a statement read out by Colonel Mamadi Doumbouya.

Doumbouya claimed the duty of a soldier was to save the country, and that the personalisation of political life was over.

“We will no longer entrust politics to one man, we will entrust it to the people,” he said.

Earlier, the Nigeria-led Government had condemned the coup, calling for the reinstatement of Guinea’s first democratically-elected President, Conde.

UN Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres, said: “I am personally following the situation in Guinea very closely. I strongly condemn any takeover of the government by force of the gun and call for the immediate release of President Alpha Conde.”

The current President of the African Union HE Félix Tshisekedi and the Chairman of the African Union Commission HE Moussa Faki Mahamat condemned any seizure of power by force and called for the immediate release of President Alpha Conde.

African Union said: “We invite the Peace and Security Council of the African Union to meet urgently to examine the new situation in Guinea and to take the appropriate measures in the circumstances.”

ECOWAS in a statement signed by the President of the Republic of Ghana and President-in-Office of ECOWAS, noted “with great concern the recent political developments which occurred in Conakry, Republic of Guinea” and condemned the coup.

“ECOWAS demands respect for the physical integrity of the President of the Republic, the Professor Alpha Condé and his immediate and unconditional release as well as that of all the personalities arrested.

ECOWAS demands the return to constitutional order on pain of sanctions, while reaffirming its disapproval of any unconstitutional political change.

Turkey said: “We condemn and express our deep concern on the coup attempt in the Republic of Guinea and the detention of President Alpha Condé on 5 September 2021.

“Turkey is against all attempts aiming to topple elected Governments by illegal means.

“We strongly expect the prompt restoration of constitutional order in the friendly and brotherly Republic of Guinea, and the immediate release of President Alpha Condé.

“Turkey will stand by the friendly and brotherly Republic of Guinea in this difficult and fragile period.”

US State Department Spokesperson, Ned Price said: “The United States condemns today’s events in Conakry. Violence and any extra-constitutional measures will only erode Guinea’s prospects for peace, stability, and prosperity. These actions could limit the ability of the United States and Guinea’s other international partners to support the country as it navigates a path toward national unity and a brighter future for the Guinean people.

“We urge all parties to forego violence and any efforts not supported by the Constitution and stand by the rule of law. We reiterate our encouragement of a process of national dialogue to address concerns sustainably and transparently to enable a peaceful and democratic way forward for Guinea to realize its full potential.”

Burundi President, Évariste Ndayishimiye: “I strongly condemn the coup d’etat in the Republic of Guinea. I call for calm and a return to constitutional order.”

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