
Ondo: NMA suspends strike

The Ondo State chapter of the Nigerian Medical Association (NMA) has suspended its industrial dispute with the state government after the intervention by lawmakers and other stakeholders.

According to the News Agency of Nigeria, the medical practitioners, at a parley with lawmakers at the Ondo State House of Assembly on Wednesday, called on the state government to honour the terms of the agreement reached with them, especially payment of their outstanding salaries.

NMA State Chairman, Dr. Stella Adegbehingbe thanked the lawmakers and other stakeholders for their intervention.

He also called for the prompt payment of their outstanding salaries, to act as a stimulant to members who have been out of work for some time.

Adegbehingbe urged the government not to intimidate any member for participating in the strike.

“We also urge the government to look into the payment of the stipulated welfare packages to the doctors as a way of curbing the massive drift of professional medical personnel,” he said.

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