
Unknown gunmen attack another police station in Ebonyi, kill policeman

Set ablaze office of DPO, Admin building

Ebonyi CP, Aliyu Garba

Another policeman has been reportedly murdered by unknown gunmen in Ebonyi State.

Reports indicated that the gunmen stormed the Obiozara police station in Ohaozara local government area of Ebonyi State about 3 am on Thursday.

They reportedly set ablaze the office of the Divisional Police Officer (DPO) and the admin building.

It was gathered that the main police station had been attacked during the EndSARS protest, during which buildings and vehicles were burnt.

The latest attack happened at the new location the policemen were using as their offices within the station premises.

The state police command’s spokesperson, Loveth Odah confirmed the attack.

It would be recalled that a police officer was killed in another attack on Abaomege Police Station in Onicha Local Government Area of the state some five days earlier.

Similarly, arsonists struck at the Federal High Court in Abakaliki last week wreaking damage on the institution.

Unknown gunmen also attacked a police checkpoint in Afikpo and allegedly killed two soldiers on duty last week.

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