Big Brother ‘Naija Shine Ya Eye’ housemate, Boma won the Head of House Challenge at the arena games on Monday, August 2.
Boma recorded the highest number of 26 on the scoreboard at the games. He was asked to pick a deputy of the opposite sex, and he picked Jackie B.
Boma will share the privileges of the HoH with Jackie B, except immunity from being nominated for eviction this week. He also has veto power to save and replace housemates up for eviction. He was compelled to use the power almost immediately after winning when he saved JayPaul and replaced him on the chopping block with Yousef.
When asked why he didn’t choose Angel, Boma told Jackie B he did not want to hurt Sammie’s feelings.
“I would have picked Angel but she has a husband (Sammie) do you know how he would feel?
“I chose you because you’re my good friend,” Boma said.