
Katsina PDP youths take up catapults to battle bandits

Members of Katsina State Peoples Democratic Party Social Media Organization have taken a potshot at the advice of the state governor asking citizens to defend themselves with what they have by organizing ‘catapult shooting training’.

Katsina State Governor, Aminu Bello Masari, during the inauguration of Katsina Joint Security Operations and Communication Control Centre, recently described as ridiculous the rate at which bandits were attacking the people and getting away with it without any resistance.

He said, “Why should I sit in my village and be only making telephone calls without doing anything?

“Every bandit, every criminal has an address, has a location, and they are human beings like us. The only difference is that they have taken arms against us; does it mean we have nothing to take against them?”

The governor urged his people to begin to use what they have to defend themselves against the bandits.

The advice came under heavy criticism from commentators who argued that the governor is openly abdicating the responsibility of his administration to protect the lives of residents of the state.

Members of Katsina State Peoples Democratic Party Social Media Organization in response to the govenor’s advice said they had started organizing catapult shooting training sessions for citizens to combat armed bandits.

They shared various pictures of themselves taking aims with catapults during the training exercise they called “Operation Catapult Shoot.”

The State Chairman of the Organization, Comrade Nuraddeen Adam Kankara Tina led other members of the social media group to launch the exercise in Katsina metropolis.

He was quoted as saying, “We embark on the exercise in compliance with the recent directive issued by the Katsina State government and we are determined to expand the exercise across local government areas of the state”.

There is yet no official reaction from the APC-led government of Katsina to this open ridicule of Governor Masari’s advice.

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