
Five die in cultists, OPC clash in Ondo

Not fewer than five persons were feared dead in a clash between members of the Oodua People’s Congress and some persons suspected to be members of a cult in Owo, the headquarters of the Owo Local Government Area of Ondo State.

According to reports, the violence happened on Tuesday at Idasen and Ijebu areas of the town, with casualties recorded on both sides of the battle.

Activities were paralysed for hours as the warring parties engaged each other. Owners of businesses quickly locked them up and fled the area, while residents and 0pedestrians also ran for dear life.

Eye-witnesses said the fight was initiated by the cultists who seemed to be on a mission to revenge the killing of one of them earlier by the OPC members.

The Public Relations Officer of the state police command, Mr Tee-Leo Ikoro, confirmed the incident, but said only two persons were killed and that the command had swung into action to calm the situation.

“Our men and other security agents have been deployed in the town to restore normalcy. So, we are fully on the ground,” he stated.

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