
Nigerian Air Force strikes own troops

At least 20 soldiers reportedly hit

Nigerian Air Force was the number one trending topic for hours on Monday after news filtered in that one of its planes providing cover for ground troops mistakenly struck them, leaving at least 20 soldiers dead.

The incident reportedly took place on Sunday as the troops engaged insurgents in Borno.

A video showing two soldiers who appeared to be on the front lines has been making the rounds on social media.

One of the soldiers claimed a Nigerian Air Force team struck their position, having mistaken them for Boko Haram insurgents, killing some of their colleagues in the process.

Nigerian Air Force authorities responded on twitter on Monday that the “Visuals and reports being circulated are currently being investigated.”

NAF said the public would be duly updated on the alleged incident which took place in Mainok, about 55 kilometres from Maiduguri, Borno State capital.

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