
Tell Odumeje to send his account number so we can return his N1m- Ada Jesus’ mum

Ada Jesus’ mum
Credit: Screenshot from the video

There’s no end to the drama unfolding between the ailing comedienne, Ada Jesus and the Onitsha-based cleric, Prophet Chukwuemeka Odumeje, as the mother of the comedienne has asked the prophet to send his account details so they can return the N1 million naira he donated.

The mother in a video that is currently circulating online said the whole idea of going to Prophet Odumeje’s church was to seek forgiveness, and not to collect money from him.

She was not there with Ada Jesus’ father when he visited in company of a royal father to again beg Prophet Odumeje to forgive Ada recently.

It was on that occasion the prophet forgave the comedienne and followed up to make a donation of N1million towards her treatment. The visitors accepted the money which was in a huge bundle.

Apparently, Ada Jesus was not in agreement with the acceptance of the money.

In the video she made, she said her children and herself were not interested in the money given by Odumeje and they would like to return it.

“Tell Pastor Odumeje to send his bank account number so we can transfer his money to him. All we want is only his forgiveness,” she said.

MSN learnt that the treatment of the ailing Ada Jesus has been taken up by a gentleman who was moved by her plight. Other well wishers have also reportedly sent money to the family towards the treatment of the comedienne.

She has now been transferred to Abuja where she is currently being treated for a kidney-related illness.

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