
Three of us are dead already, man confesses to victim of gang-rape

Ujunwa Olivia
Credit: Screegrab from her Facebook post last year.

A man who was part of a gang of 5 boys who raped a homeless girl in 2014 has reached out to the victim to confess.

The lady in question is Ujunwa Olivia, who was in the news last year after sharing the story of her troubled childhood on social media.

In the narrative, she had shared how she was sent out of home by her step-father, after she rebuffed his sexual advances.

She was then hustling in the street in daytime and sleeping in a primary school classroom at night.

She shared that she was sleeping in the classroom one night when five boys descended on her and took turns to viciously rape her.

Many human rights activists rallied around the multiple rape victim last year after her revelation.

There was also an outpouring of good wishes and encouragement for her to move on with her life as an undergraduate of Nnamdi Azikiwe University (Unizik) and a mother of a lovely son.

However, old wounds were literally reopened yesterday when a man reached out to her to apologise for taking part in the gang rape of 2014.

The man, Donnelly Onyeka, sent Ujunwa a friend request on Facebook and followed up with a letter of apology.

He allegedly deactivated his account once Ujunwa went public with the message.

In the message, he told the lady he had been traumatised since he discovered Ujunwa on Facebook last year.

He claimed that three of the team that raped the girl were dead, leaving only two of them.

He said his business had nosedived and his life was in disarray.

He pleaded for the lady’s forgiveness.

The turn of events has taken its toll on the rape victim whose credibility has been questioned by a few social media trolls.

Ujunwa uploaded some unsettling posts on her Facebook page on Saturday suggesting she was considering taking her life.

She was also said to be unreachable by her friends and others who had her mobile number.

Many of her friends and well-wishers have since been appealing to her on her Facebook page to ignore trolls and opt for life if only for the sake of her son.

As of the time this story was being filed, there had been over 600 comments from frantic friends appealing to the rape victim to ignore negative comments and live for her son.

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