
Registration for new session in UI opens 20 February

Students will not stay on campus

The management of the University of Ibadan has said that the institution will open the registration portal for the 2020/2021 academic session on February 20.

The institution said there is no provision for students’ accommodation for now as part of measures to check the second wave of the Covid-19 pandemic.

All lectures for the 2020/2021 First Semester will be delivered online in line with a revised academic school calendar.

The university cautioned students against falling for the antics of suspected fraudsters who claimed that students have been allocated into halls of residence ahead of the next academic session.

UI’s Director of Public Communication, Mr Olatunji Oladejo, disowned trending social media information which instructs students to make payment for accommodation.

He restated that no student is expected on campus and as such no accommodation will be allocated to any student.

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