
Yahooboy caught with fresh head of beautiful girl wearing ‘million braids’ in Abuja (Video)

The yahooboy sitting on the ground.
The yahooboy sitting on the ground.

Some Christians worshipping God in a church in Orozo, Abuja, have apprehended an Internet fraudster (Yahooboy) who carried the fresh head of his girlfriend in a sack.

A Facebook user Umaru Caleb, who is a member of the church posted the incident on Sunday.

According to him, another member of the church felt a strong urge to intercept the suspect walking past and demanded to see what he was carrying in the sack.

Upon looking inside, he saw the freshly cut head of a beautiful lady who had just done what the women call ‘million braids’.

The head of the girlfriend
The head of the girlfriend

The church member raised an alarm and other church members trooped out.

The suspect was beaten blue and black and interrogated about how he came about the head.

He reportedly said the deceased was his girlfriend who had come to visit him from a far place. He also claimed the remaining part of the body was in his house.

The police were called in to whisk him away.

See Caleb’s post:

“💔 I got the shock of my life as we apprehend a Yah*oo ritual with human head (his girlfriend) inside a nylon close to our church as we were holding service.

I thought I just used to watch things like this until I experienced one “Live” today.

And this guy said the remaining body of the girl is still in his house.

God have mercy on this generation.”

You can see a video of where the head of the fair-complexioned lady was brought out of the bag below.

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